Getting started#


  • Python and Pip


Makros can be installed via pip like any other python package by running:

pip install makros

Writing your first code#

By default makros behaves the same way they python interpreter does. A simple hello world example will look the same within makros or python:

print("Hello World!")

But from here, you are able to include “macros” in your code. Macros are parsers that extend what you can do with Python whilst still maintaining compatibility. For example, there is a makro that allows you to create namespaces:

macro import namespace

namespace hello:
    export def world():
        print("Hello World!") # Should print out "Hello World!"

This can then be run via the makros command in your terminal

makros file_path.mpy

This will convert your .mpy file into a .py python file. It will also run the file right away.