Getting started developing#


Setting up the build environment#

First, create a new branch for your feature. You can either do this with your git client or by running the following command.

git checkout -b feature/my-feature

Next, install the projects dependencies and enter into the virtual environment.

poetry install
poetry shell

Writing tests#

Before implementing a feature or fixing a bug, you should write tests that cover the new feature or bug. There are two different types of tests that are used inside this project, macro tests and unit tests. Macro tests are macro files that are transpiled and executed to make sure that macro parsing, translation and execution works as expected. Unit tests are tests that are for exported functions and classes, like the Tokens class.

Macro tests#

To add a new macro test, crate a new .mpy file inside of tests/macros. The test runner will automatically pick this up and generate a new test for you.

Unit tests#

Unit tests are written using pytest. Follow their documentation for a guide on how to write your tests

Running tests#

We have a custom test runner than can be invoked by running:

python tests